2017 “Tsuyu-ake” the rainy season is officially over in Tokyo

It was announced this morning that this year’s rainy season is over in Tokyo.

Tsuyu-ake (梅雨明け)” means “the end of rainy season” in Japanese.

I also wrote about it last year and last year it was July 29th. So this year is a little bit early.

Hmmm, but it didn’t feel like rainy season at all this year… 😯

I don’t feel like it rained at all this year. 😮  I don’t like rainy days but not raining during rainy season must not be good.

Now the rainy season is over, the burning hot sweaty summer days are waiting ahead. NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO IT AT ALL.  😕  😥  🙁


Okami  🙄


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