サイトアイコン Omoide House

“Tsuyu-ake” the rainy season is officially over in Tokyo

I wrote about entering into the rainy season in June 6th. Tsuyu-iri

It was announced that the rainy season in Tokyo has just ended as of yesterday.

Tsuyu-ake (梅雨明け)” means “the end of rainy season” in Japanese.

It’s 7 days late than the average and 18 days late than the last year. That means that it was longer than usual.

When I wrote about starting of the rainy season, I thought one and a half month was long. But already almost 2 months have past… OMG.  How time flies!! 😯

I don’t think it rained that much this year  though. I don’t remember carrying around umbrella that much.

Now the rainy season ended, that means it will be so damn hot from now on!!  😯  It’s been said it will be especially hot burning summer this year. I’m afraid….

If you folks out there planning to visit Japan, you’d better avoid summer time in Japan. Unless you like super humid summer and want to walk around with sweat soaked clothes.


Okami 🙄
