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Train from Oslo to Bergen

We arrived in Oslo by ferry from Denmark.

But our destination was not Oslo but Bergen.

Our next transportation was train.

This was the route we were taking.

It takes about 7 hours by train from Oslo to Bergen.


We had some time before the train departed.

We went to Starbucks and spent some time.

They had free Wi-Fi so we did some web surfing as well.  😎

We bought Whopper burgers at Burger King and had the as breakfast in the train.  😆

Can’t miss morning beer, right?  😉

Absolutely beautiful scenes of Norway throughout the whole journey.  😀

You see some houses once in a while.

I wonder how they live their everyday life!  😯

Can Amazon delivery to these houses??

We had beer at the cafe inside the train looking out the beautiful scenes.

Too bad the weather was a bit cloudy.  😥

There was still snow left!!  😯


By the time we were about to arrive in Bergen, it became sunny again.

We were able to see gorgeous sunset.  😀

Welcome to Bergen!  😎

7 hours seems long but 7 hours by train from Oslo to Bergen doesn’t feel long at all.

It’s not something that you do everyday.

But I would recommend you travel by train once if you get a chance to go to Norway.

It’s a beautiful country to look out from train window.

Okami 🙄
