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Starbucks winter 2016

When you see Starbucks turning greens and reds, it’s a sign that Christmas season is near. I am always excited to see what seasonal design they come up with. In Japan, there are 2 times – one Sakura version in the spring and the other Christmas version.

It’s about the time this year!   😀

In the beginning of November, Starbucks starting having red sleeve for paper cups.

THAT’S IT?!  😯

I was so disappointed. I thought that was the version for this year. No red cups or Christmas design, but just red sleeves.

Of course that wasn’t it! It was just a small preview! The second week of November, the real ones came out. And this year, they have so many designs! 😆 I think there are 10 designs this year. It was too early for me to be disappointed.

Look!  😀


Look here too!  😆

My very first Christmas version cup this year was this one. 9 more designs to go!  😆


Okami  🙄 


