サイトアイコン Omoide House

Day 9 – Miya and Leo – 11.16.2015

This is a story about how Miya and Leo became to live together under the same roof.

Read about the previous day if you haven’t yet.

Today, Leo played with Miya’s toys and Miya was just silently watching…


We have three rooms in our house.

Miya’s room is near our bed room.

At night, we close the door to the living room and let Miya out of her cage so she can freely come and go between her room and our bed room.

It seems safe so far to let her out at night with living room door closed because she neither has access to the living room nor to the kitchen.

She sometimes come to our bed and sleep between Jay and myself.


Since Miya seems uncomfortable around Leo, we decided to give the room near the living room, which is the farthest from Miya’s room, to Leo.

Now we have two cats having each of their own room….  😯 

Today we let Leo out of his room for a while.

It was almost the first time he freely ran around the house.

We’ve been super careful to not scare off Miya.

So until today, we only let Leo out inside his room.

Once we let him out, he went to Miya’s room, played with Miya’s toys, and played around Miya’s cat tower.

Miya silently just watched Leo. 

She’s very cautious around Leo.

Hmmm… it looks like it will take some time until they get along…  😥 



